So back in July I made a post about my garden plan for this year. That lasted until my awesome friends decided to do a seed exchange in January. And I decided to expand my back yard garden, and add a front yard garden. And Husband decided to grow grain for beer, which means we have a second garden plot (Fwigg - Field where I grow grains) for growin' barley.
What does all this mean? It means I needed to reconfigure my garden plan. So here's the new plan:
Yellow corn (6 stalks)
Ashworth sweet corn (6 stalks)
Butternut squash (6)
Acorn squash (6)
Northeast pole beans (24)
Cow Peas (12)
Purple stringless beans (12)
Snap peas (5)
Oxheart tomatoes (5)
Eggplant (10)
Kholrabi (10)
Peacock broccoli (6)
Peppers - mix of sweet and hot (13)
Turnips (20)
Golden midget Watermelon (7)
Bush cucumbers (13)
Again, all that is going into 400 sq ft. A 15x30 plot with 1 foot walkways between each row. Now all of these are things that I don't have to harvest the second they're ripe. I have a day or two wiggle room in each direction. Which is good because I'll be starting a new job next month which means my time to go out will be limited to 2-3 times a week tops. So I need things I can pick the day before they're ready or 1-2 days after without worrying that they're going to taste funny.
Back yard:
Snow Peas
Brussel Sprouts
Market Cabbage
Loose Cabbage
Roasting peppers
Dwarf corn
Cheese pumpkins
Noodle beans
Front yard:
Morning Glories
Borage (it's a flower)
Turnip greens
By the sidewalk:
Red cherry tomatoes
Yellow pear cherry tomatoes
The amounts for home haven't been determined yet (depends on space), but I also have two window boxes that I'm using for lettuce. Since it'll be easy to snag greens for work lunch if I have them at home. Which also means they'll get eaten, instead of turn into a really bad science experiment. I'm also planting things at home (see Noodle beans) that need to be picked and eaten (or preserved) before they go starchy and gross. So that's the new plan, we'll see how it works out once it isn't -20 with 3 feet of snow.
I'm only exaggerating by a couple of inches and a few degrees in both directions. It's miserable here right now. I'm counting down 'till spring.
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