I went out to Fwigf the other day and harvested ALL THE CUCUMBERS EVER (as referenced in my previous post). But I realized I forgot to give an update on everything else.
First and foremost: I HAVE CORN! Or rather I have corn developing on some of the stalks. One is stalk is being an over acheiver and attempting to put out four ears instead of the two that it should. But hopefully by the end of next month I'll have a few small ears of tasty blue corn.. We shall see.
The tomatoes are... doing well but the trellis needs some rethinking. The wind comes in from one side of the garden pretty steadily. And it has shoved all the plants to the left. Which would be fine if the were in cages, but since they are supported by a rope trellis they are just sliding along the rope and shoving the plant next to them over. They're all doing fine, no one is dying and everyone is producing. But the one furthest to the left has been shoved off the trellis entirely and is now growing along the ground. Next year the tomatoes get cross pieces AND the thicker stalks get tied to the trellis.
The potatoes are flowing! Holy crap potato flowers are beautiful! Little delicate purple stars with bright yellow centers. This makes me happy. Sadly we've lost one potato plant (Husband broke it while mounding it into the bucket) and we have a second one that isn't happy. But losing two out of the 6 planted isn't bad at all. Russet the potato who should not be is still living and growing.
My beans are thriving now that we added cross pieces to their trellis. I have a feeling they are going to end up forming a solid wall of vegetation and that's ok with me. They'd shade out the peas and spinach which can tolerate it.
My one pepper plant is flowering. So we'll see what we get from that. And the spinach is growing. But spinach can be blanched and frozen, so that's a green I'll keep.
My pumpkins are insisting that the chain link fence is a trellis. I can not convince them otherwise.
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