Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Spinach and Carrots

Yesterday I went back out to Fwigf to do some harvesting, attempt to get my pumpkins under control, and reinforce my tomatoes. I have given up getting my pumpkins reigned in. The determined jerks are now growing through the chain link fence and making a bid for the street. I'm just going to let them. Worst case? The world outside Fwigf gets some pumpkins. It's not like Husband and I will be able to eat all of them. Though he is going to use some to make beer. Pumpkin ale from our own pumpkins. This pleases me.

Anywhozle! I harvested spinach yesterday. A lot of spinach. I'm debating what to do with all of it, since Husband and I will not eat all of it as salad before it goes bad. I'm thinking of blanching and freezing it. But whatever I do I need to do tomorrow. Otherwise it won't get done.

But this spinach is weird guys. It was a gift from another gardener so I'm not sure what variety it is. But it's waxier than I'm used to, and the leaves grow off of central stems. It's more bitter than regular spinach, but the after taste is surprisingly nutty. It's got a good mouth feel; the leaves are thicker and crunchier than I'm used to, so it's very satisfying. It's also a big producer. I harvested less than half of what I could have from my garden, and there will be more on Monday when I go back.

That brings us to carrots. Guys? Garden carrots are awesome. I didn't know carrots were supposed to have a flavor beyond 'orange'. But they do. They're spicy without being hot, and finish sweet without being cloying. They're not as crunchy as commercial carrots, but what they lack in crunch they make up for in flavor. I may have to rethink my plan to not grow carrots next year. If I end up with room in Fwigf I'll plant up some carrots. Husband and I don't use many, in fact the amount we planted this year will probably be all we'll end up using until next season. I'm going to blanch and freeze those too.

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